Bitrix24 - Employee Absence Customization for A Bank Company

A bank company requires an absence system for their employees, where they required to do the absence from the mobile phone, in the pre determined location, and also submitting the present photo as the proof. The Bitrix24's default time and report feature does accomodate the clock-in/clock-out feature, but does not limit the absence location nor requires the user to include the present photo for proof.
Customization toward Bitrix24 Mobile Timeman's template/UI and component/program. Since Bitrix24 Mobile App's clock-in/out page is retrieved from specific component from the Bitrix24's main system (back-end side), the customization can be made directly from the main system itself. An extra module, and also some page to maintain the location limitation and photo management also has been made to accomodate the feature needs.
* Company's specific information not mentioned for confidential purpose
Bitrix24 - Meeting and Task Customization for Financial Company
Having a big frequency of meetings and agenda that needs to be recorded and immediately assigned to the selected user as the task, the company needs a system to manage their meeting's information up to the task assignment. Additionally, the meetings has to have specific extra detail that they have been using in their manual system.
Bitrix24's default meeting feature was customized to contain their specific informations that by default cannot be accomodated by Bitrix24, for there are no facility to insert the custom fields. Additionaly, an extra meeting and tasks reporting page and periodic summarization module has been made. Now the company not only can record the meeting and task's information and view it in list, but also can be viewed in desired graphics and reports in the special dashboard page implemented in Bitrix24.
* Company's specific information not mentioned for confidential purpose

Bitrix24 - CRM and Project Customization for Transformer Company

This company already has it's own system to manage the customer's transaction history, and to link the orders into their project management system. But they have more than 3 separate systems for this. What they require is one system that can accomodate all of their existing system, while maintaining their system's flow, information display, etc.
Customisation toward Bitrix24's CRM, tasks, and projects to accomodate the specific needs of the company. When the company received a new Lead, they can do the extra workflows to coordinate between departments even before that lead became a deal. Once the lead has became a deal, a new project with desired template will be created, and every tasks of that project will be synced with the company's master system, so everything can be monitored in the Bitrix24.
* Company's specific information not mentioned for confidential purpose
Bitrix24 - Workorder and Units Module Development for Golf Buggy Company
A golf buggy company requires a system that enables them to keep track about their customer's transaction and interaction with the company, which already provided by the functionality of Bitrix24's CRM. The main case was the company also requires a system to store the information about their customer's ownership regarding the units they have produced, and the service history of those units, which is not provided by Bitrix24's default functionality.
Development toward custom units module was made specifically for the company, so they can also store the unit's ownership and even change the unit's ownership toward other customer. Workorder module also was made so the company can record and even assign their employees to do the workorder for the registered unit. When a workorder is assigned to the company's employee, every updates regarding the workorder activity also stored to the Bitrix24 by this module. In case the unit's ownership has to be changed, the service record of that unit remains intact. With these extra modules, the company now able to keep their units in their monitoring track, even if they are owned by their customers.
* Company's specific information not mentioned for confidential purpose

Bitrix24 - Project and Tasks Customization and Custom Module Development for Bank Company

A bank company needed a Project Management system, enabling the company to managing their internal tasks and projects monitoring for every quarter of the year. The standard Bitrix24 does feature the Project and Tasks creation, but did not provide the company's unique system of Action Step Summarization and Reporting. The company needed such a way so when they "Initiate Monitoring Sequence", all responsible persons of the tasks will no longer can start nor finish the task, until they completed the monitoring sequence for that task.
Customization toward Bitrix24's Task has been made, so the corresponding users can "Initiate Monitoring Sequence for selected quarter of the year", which will locks all the tasks and requires the responsible person to fill a mandatory form for the monitoring report, followed by approval from the Project's Owner, and finalized by the appointed Higher-ups to unlock the tasks. An extra module also developed to summarize the "Monitoring Sequence Data/Report", and display it in a unique form of summary page. With these enhancements, the company now able to record their project's progress periodicaly, and view all the recorded data and summary in a visualisation that they already familiar to, ensuring they can always aware of their internal project and tasks situation.
* Company's specific information not mentioned for confidential purpose
Course Schedule Generator
A university weekly course generator, powered by Depth First Search (DFS) and Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) algorithm.
Built in order to help the college students, to arrange their personal weekly university course schedule, that does not have time conflict with each other course inside the schedule. This process was mainly powered by DFS algorithm.
Also featuring schedule recommendation system, that enables user to receive recommended schedule, based on their personal preferences. SMART algorithm has a main role in this recommendation system.
Platform: Web Application & Mobile App
Framework: Laravel, Framework7
Programming Language: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Blade

Stick Parkour

A phaser based game, that I developed for Mobile Game Development Course. An endless game where you have to dodge the obstacle, jump around the platform, and collect the points. You can use bullets to destroy the obstacles, and gain extra score from it.
Platform: Phaser
Programming Language: HTML5
Human Resource Analyzator
An app for Human Resource Analyzator. Consist of a mobile app to feed the data of the workpace of each human resource, to this system's web app server.
Platform: Web Application & Mobile App
Framework: Laravel, Framework7
Programming Language: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Blade

One Button

A unity game, that only needs one button to play. This game is still in development phase, which still has only one level. As the title of this game describes, only one button is required to operate everything in this game, and win the game. So the key is, precission and timing.
The main objective of this game is to deliver the red ball into the finishing point, by activating the gadgets in precise timing.
Consists of simple 3d objects, with basic coloring.
The current main focus in the development is to add other levels (maps). The secondary focus in the development is to improve the graphic quality.
Platform: Unity
Programming Language: C#
Sports D'Rent
My very own prototype Web App, that gives opportunity to the users, to rent a sport arena collectively (rent together with the other users). The more users participate in that rent, the less cost will be charged for each user (collective rental system).
Platform: Web Application
Programming Language: HTML, CSS, PHP

Tower of Hanoi

Another "Windows Form App Game" based on C# programming language that I made with my colleagues for an Artificial Intelligence project, powered by DFS Algorithm for the Auto Solve AI. If you know how the Tower of Hanoi gameplay works, you can play this game. To limit the possible solutions, the disc count of the game is limited from 2 to 10.
Platform: Windows Form Application
Programming Language: C#
Huffman BST
A simple Huffman Binary Search Tree program, capable to arrange a Huffman Binary Search Tree according to your text input, and also arrange the binary code from the input. You can also decode the binary code from the formed tree, into the alphabetical text. This program was made for a simple project, for the data structure university course.
Platform: Windows Form Application
Programming Language: C#
Project source available on my GitHub Repository, check it out :)


A simple text encryptor, with custom algorithm implemented. Enables you to encrypt text, and decrypt the same encrypted text. Simple implementation with index switching methods, random scrambler, and other customized methods.
Platform: Windows Form Application
Programming Language: C#
Project source available on my GitHub Repository, check it out :)
Paq Men
Like the name, it's an imitation for the famous "Pac Man" game, but with "Windows Form App Game" and based on C# programming language. If you know the "Pac Man" game, you will know how this game works. Collect all the pellets, avoid the ghosts, and use the powerups.
Platform: Windows Form Application
Programming Language: C#
Project source available on my GitHub Repository, check it out :)

SS Typer

My other "Windows Form Application" game, based on C# programming language. An endless typing game, where you have to type the requested words againts the time. The more you type, the more points you will get.
Platform: Windows Form Application
Programming Language: C#
Project source available on my GitHub Repository, check it out :)
Krazy Racer
My very first "Windows Form Application" game, based on C# programming language. A semi-endless survival racing game, where you play as a white car and must not crash onto any other car. The longer you survive, more points will be awarded for you, and more cars will be there to distract you.
Platform: Windows Form Application
Programming Language: C#
Project source available on my GitHub Repository, check it out :)